Newcastle Headshots Photographer
Please choose a package below and click to book!
I’ve over 24 years experience in Professional Portrait Photography and a Photo Studio at Clavering House in Newcastle city centre servicing Businesses and the Public.
I have various options available for Professional Portraits including Actor Headshots, Business Profiles for websites and social media, Model Portfolios, Artists Press Shots, Conferences and Public Speakers, CV photos, Dating apps and Birthday and Anniversary Gift Experiences here in the North East.
PLEASE NOTE – This booking page is for individuals. If you are a BUSINESS and need portraits for your team please contact me directly for a quote HERE
If you are an individual wanting a portrait please choose a portrait package by me at my Newcastle Photography studio below and click to look at available dates and times. I am happy to adapt each package for the style you prefer. For example if you wanted Actor headshots the shoot could be a Headshot, a Portfolio or an Artist Press Shoot depending on how many images you want out of your time with me. If you can’t find a time to suit you below please call on 07960 338357 or email me on my contact form
Following your booking, I will be back in touch with you within 24hrs by email with all the information you will need next to prepare for your portrait shoot. My email will include information around what to expect, how to prepare and also where to find me. Your questions are also welcome!
You will receive text reminders for your shoot date and time, but if you do have any queries I am here to advise at each step of the process.
PLEASE NOTE – This booking page is for individuals. If you are a BUSINESS and need portraits for your TEAM please contact me directly for a quote HERE